Guatemala Launches National Dialogue to create a New Water Bill: key aspects that need to be analyzed

In August 2024, Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo launched a nationwide initiative to draft a Water Law aimed at regulating and preserving the country’s water resources. The proposal will address deforestation, contamination, and overuse through consultations with local authorities, water users, and experts. Key priorities include ensuring equitable access to drinking water, balancing agricultural and industrial needs, and creating an independent regulatory authority. This effort seeks to establish a sustainable water management framework to safeguard Guatemala's water resources for future generations.

In August 2024, the President of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo, alongside other high-ranking officials, launched a nationwide process aimed at constructing a comprehensive Water Law proposal. This new legislative framework will seek to regulate and preserve the country’s water resources, which have been under increasing pressure from deforestation, contamination, and overexploitation. With the participation of municipal authorities, environmental specialists, and Congress leaders, this initiative aims to be the first step toward sustainable water management in Guatemala.

During the launch, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Patricia Orantes, highlighted several key issues affecting the country’s water supply. She noted that only a third of high-recharge areas are protected by forests, which has significantly compromised water retention and filtration. Additionally, the contamination of Guatemala’s river basins has exacerbated the situation, with critical levels of pollution now threatening the availability of potable water.

The government’s approach to constructing the new bill is grounded in inclusivity and technical expertise. From September 2024 to February 2025, officials will meet with mayors, water users, and community representatives across six regions to gather insights into local realities and needs. This will be supplemented by academic forums and working groups focused on specific water demands, ensuring that the proposed legislation reflects a broad spectrum of views.

President Arévalo stressed that the goal of this initiative is to establish a framework that will secure water for future generations. Acknowledging the complexity of the task ahead, he emphasized that the dialogue process would remain open, transparent, and inclusive. By listening to all stakeholders and grounding the legislative process in science, the government aims to address the nation’s water crisis through lasting, effective solutions.

This initiative represents a new opportunity for Guatemala to establish a water management system that not only ensures equitable access to water but also protects this vital resource for the future. In the past, several bills in Congress have aimed to regulate water resources. In 2016 and 2017, some of these bills were evaluated by congressional committees. One of the main bills that received a favorable opinion was Bill 5161, which proposed the creation of a National Water Institute (INAGUA), responsible for granting water use rights. However, like several other bills, it did not advance in the legislative process.

For businesses, communities, and policymakers, the outcome of this process will be instrumental in shaping the future of Guatemala’s water security. For that reason, it is important that, when designing the proposal, key elements are considered to ensure sustainable and equitable management.

One of the most critical key elements is the prioritization of water use. Given the diverse social and economic demands on water—ranging from human consumption and agriculture to industrial use—it is essential to establish a clear path of water use. Prioritizing access to safe drinking water for communities must be paramount, while also ensuring that agricultural and industrial sectors have access to the resources they need for economic development. This balancing act is crucial to addressing the country’s pressing water challenges.

Another fundamental element is the creation of an independent and technically competent regulatory authority. This body must be empowered to oversee the sustainable use of water, regulate access, and ensure that decisions are made based on scientific evidence and long-term environmental considerations. A key task of this institution would be to monitor and manage aquifers and surface water sources, preventing contamination while enforcing regulations designed to protect these vital resources. Independence from political pressures is essential to maintain objectivity and fairness in decision-making.

In conclusion, a strong institutional framework that includes robust data collection, transparent decision-making processes, and clear enforcement mechanisms will be essential to ensure compliance and safeguard water resources for future generations.

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